Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not sew unproductive FNSI

Had an impromptu babysitting session for my brother and his wife last night. The poor girl has come down with some nasty sinus infection and my brother was going to a concert. SO... call little sister in to help out with the kiddos. I grabbed the first travel-project I could think of and headed out. My night consisted of helping out with the wee ones, visiting with my sister-in-law and making a boat load of yo-yo's. Do I have a plan for them? No, but someday I will! I use a lot of my odd scraps for this. So, here is my Friday contribution. A gallon baggie full of yo-yo's. :o) Next week WILL be better! It has to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I would say you've had a very productive FNSI!

Hope your SIL is feeling better soon x